Please contact us with your lens list so that we can expand the information available for these lenses. 
Thank you :-) 

<- Early Tall Version, 240gr

The Ducati Sogno 40mm Eltor Lens is just about equal to a normal 50mm lens on a 'normal' full sized camera. A great choice for lower light conditions!

Later Short Version, 210gr ->

DUCATI - OD 6404.1 - ELTOR 40mm / 2

The Eltor lens was referred to in the Ducati documentation as a "Very bright lens suitable for sports, portraits and theater scenes" and appeared for the first time in the 1949 documentation. There were 2 different versions that varied slightly from the 205xx or 206xx (240 grams) to the later 21xxx (210 grams) serial number range. The early variation is slightly Taller than the later one as well. Special thanks to super collector Antonio Rossetto for this discovery. 

This lens was of the non-retractable type, had a field angle of 41 ° (roughly similar to that of the Vitor), with a minimum focusing distance of 1.2 meters, and an adjustable diaphragm between 7 possible openings (2-2.8-4-5.6 -8-11-16). The company documentation did not provide detailed information as to the optical scheme.

For focusing it was directly coupled with the Sogno rangefinder, but the field of view field did not correspond perfectly to that visible in the camera’s viewfinder, so it was necessary to use the sports/view finder OR 2404.2 for perfectly accurate framing.

Various accessories were created for it such as the lens hood and filters and starting from 1952 a field mask (TMP 3334.2) that could be fitted over the cameras viewfinder could be used as an alternative to the separate sports/view finder, and was sold together with the lens from that time.

The filters were in common with the Teletor and Luxtor lenses, the field mask was in common with the Luxtor lens, however each lens had its own unique lens hood.

Observing the serial numbers of a number of these lenses from those that we have been able to find please refer to the table below for our estimate of the number which may have been produced.

Availability: This lens is rarely seen for sale, perhaps only once in five years.

​Original text and tables above by D. Consonni, with permission. Translated by MasterpieceCamera. © 2018

For a detailed list of our estimate of the different variations produced, see the Ducati Sogno Lens History page: HERE!!!

The following table is a list of known Eltor Lenses with the Serial Number and possible number produced in our estimate. Please help us in our efforts to expand this list by sending us any lens serial number/s not in our list so that it will be as accurate as possible, thank you! Latest UPDATE: June-24.