Please contact us if you would like to make a purchase. E-mail:
Ducati Sogno & Simplex cameras, lenses, and accessories that we have, want, or are willing to part with are here on this page. We have been collecting for quite a while and have more than we need in some cases, and some things that we are still searching for.
DUCATI - Our Collection & Duplicates for Sale or Trade
We have a variety of Ducati Sogno & Simplex Cameras and accessories for Sale or Trade.
Please have a look at some of our collection in the photos below (click photos for larger view), and some of our duplicates are listed in the tables. Please contact us if you need additional photos or have any questions.
(Only Items in the tables are for sale)
We are always searching for Ducati items in good condition and will happily trade or purchase. We are always looking for the rare Argon, Dugon, Luxtor and Eltor Lenses, so if you have one, or know of one for sale, please contact us, thank you!