Exquisite Craftsmanship


Our personal favorites for collecting are the beautiful Ducati Sogno & Simplex half-frame cameras, their stunning lenses, and well thought out accessories. All created by the ​Ducati brothers, Adriano, Bruno, and Marcello.


When we were lucky enough to win the Sogno camera & lens set shown in the photo at the left, it started us on an adventure of discovery, trying to sift through the bits of information, and mis-information, around the web, especially in English. We finally found, and later through his good offices, information from sources in Italy where the information is, not surprisingly, much more accurate and available, but in Italian of course.

While there remain some mysteries, we believe that we have been able to provide the most comprehensive information (in any language!) about the  Ducati Sogno, its lenses and accessories than anywhere else on the net. In this effort we must give our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Donato Consonni for his openness in sharing his knowledge and research, and his support of our translation efforts. We hope that you will enjoy the results! 

We have also completed and published the Ducati Microcamera System "Instructions for Use" Manual in English and it is now available in a limited edition (50 copies only) hard copy for just $34 +shipping on our website, you can find it:  HERE

Ernst Leitz crafted the ultimate in 35mm camera. From the 30's with their innovative Leica screw mount system, they redefined compact photo quality. Since 1954 with the introduction Leica M3 and its' M mount system, they have remained as the well heeled amature's choice.

"Franke & Heidecke" Since 1929 set the standard for Medium Format photography for generations of photographers. Their Rolleiflex TLR  range of cameras was THE professional's choice for decades. They remain true masterpieces of build and optical  quality and produce brilliant images.

General: First and foremost, we are NOT the worlds experts, so any and all information or statements that you find here will be our own best knowledge at this point in our experience. For the Ducati Sogno and Rolleiflex, we have spent many hundreds (1000's in the case of Ducati) of hours researching, and have a large collection, so have become quite knowledgeable of these in particular. Should you see any error's, or have any comments for improvement, we would love to hear from you, we are always happy to learn more.

Camera/Lens GradingThis is always an interesting subject as anything that is so subjective can not help to be. Its been our experience that when buying, a camera or lens will tend to look a grade or two lower than it does after you own it, or want to sell it :-) Human nature I suppose.  All that being said we use a modified Rolleiclub system as follows, best to worst: LIKE NEW (99~100% of brand new quality), Mint (97~98%), Mint- (95~97%), EX+++ (92~94%), EX++ (88~91%, EX+ (82~87%), EX (75~81%), and USER (65~74%). We don't normally purchase anything in the last two or three categories but sometimes when buying a camera "set" some accessories that come with it may not be as well cared for as the camera itself, or have aged differently. 

Shipping/PaymentWe use Registered Airmail with tracking or Domestic/International EMS Priority Express shipping and charge at cost, no additional handling fees are ever charged. If a listing says "Free Shipping", that is worldwide and is by Registered Airmail, if you need it quicker it is at plus EMS cost. Insurance may be provided on higher priced items if requested, at buyers cost. Any and all Customs or import costs to buyers home country shall be at their risk and cost. We also may be able to help with valuation at a lower level if that helps. Payments can be made by wire transfer to our bank here in Thailand, or in the USA, or by PayPal upon mutual agreement. Buyer pays all Bank or PayPal fees so plan on an extra 4% please for PayPal, or pay your side if by Bank Transfer. Please specify your payment preference when making an offer or request a purchase, thanks. Feel free to also ask for a quote for multiple items or shipping costs, we can do quantity discounts. And if you are in Phuket, we can arrange to meet for direct pick-up of course, would be happy to meet you.

Acknowledgements: In preparation of these web pages, especially for some of the more technical descriptions of the cameras or lenses, I have borrowed with permission from:   

Donato Consonni - TheBenciniStory website:  http://bencinistory.altervista.org/

Antique and Classic Cameras website:  http://www.antiquecameras.net/ 

José Paula - A Cyclops Eye website:  https://www.acyclopseye.com/

Ken Rockwell's  website at:   http://www.kenrockwell.com/

Paul Sokk's  website at:  http://yashicatlr.com/ 

Victor Hasselblad realized his dream of producing quality cameras in the 1950's. By the 60's, when his camera was chosen by NASA to be taken to the moon, he had produced some of the finest Medium Format cameras in the world, and still does.

Ducati Sogno & Simplex, Rolleiflex TLR, Leica, Hasselblad, and their accessories are among the Masterpieces to be found on our site, thanks for looking :-)

And of course we also love the more well known masterpieces, for example...

Lasting Designs

Engineering Marvels

A few of the Artists...

It’s not just a camera, it’s a Masterpiece

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